click to go large!

This guitar was very important in my father in law's life although I guarantee he had no idea of its rarity or worth.

I promised him I would be its caretaker for life.I hadn't seen it in a couple of years since I last set it up for him, and although I knew it was a Viking I did not realize which type until my wife brought it home a few nights ago.

It survived in wonderful condition even though Jim never had a case for it.

I have cleaned it up a ton ( it was filthy) and gotten a case for its protection.

As you can see she is a beauty and very much like your bass, which is also very sweet.

As you see there is a rich seam of individuality in the examples we have been honoured to share with you.
This is another superb example of Swedish craftsmanship, that lives up to the reputation for sure!
I'd (REALLY) love to hear that tone, and yes of course introduce her to the Concord Deluxe,
but equally, caretaking for life is worthy of all our respect. It truly has mine, as for whatever the reason, it means it will not become eBay fodder (travelling the world without love and respect), which it certainly has now.
Thanks. er. 'ddm'
OK we know it's Doug now, and we also know he is a respected musician up there north of USA. Thanks for dropping by!

Heads Up! (as they say).

CLICK the Picture for more on this 72-73 beauty!


After Bruce's Bubinga above, what can you imagine.
well Olli-Pekka Matikainen brings us (my personal)
favourite sunburst colouring for all Hagstroms.

Hello, Here´s a pic of my Viking (most probably -78 - -79 model) with bound f-holes.
The pic quality is unfortunately far from excellent.
I bought it second hand sometime -82 with non-original case.
It is in rather good condition, a luthier replaced a better nut
and took care of fret wear some years ago.
The tone switch operation was a mystery to me
until I found this Hag site. Best Regards, O-P from Finland

How do we follow such a burst of colour and maintain the appreciation for both that and the next.

Tom Naturally brings us a totally wonderful example.

Great site. I purchased my guitar around '79 or '80 from a shop in Buffalo New York. I wanted a Gibson like my idol, Justin Hayward, but to my shock they cost lots of $ which I didn't have, so the Hag caught my eye on the used instrument wall & I purchased it having never heard the name, but liking it's looks & playability. I used this guitar in my 1st pro band playing covers of Top 40 stuff, circa 1983, on the lounge circuit, 6 nights a week for about 6 months before I quit because I missed being away from home so much. I was 23, but had never been on the road & was unprepared for the experience, although I am glad I did it. Excuse the digression, back to the guitar.
From looking @ your site, I see Canada is great source of Hags, & Buffalo New York is just south of the Canadian border. less than 30 minutes away if the bridges are not crowded.
I have not played this guitar in about ten years, but it is displayed on a wall in our home. My wife & daughter love the way it looks & are fearful I will sell it on Ebay.
Not to worry though I tell them, I think it's cool too. I've included some pictures, hopefully not too many, so you can get a look @ it. The worn through part on the neck is where your thumb would be if playing a barre 'c' chord on the 8th fret. Otherwise she looks really pretty w/ minor & small surface scratches on the back & wear from being a road instrument. Overall, a really nice looking guitar. The # on the neck plate is 852033.
The guitar resides in a suburb of Buffalo New York just miles from its' original place of purchase, for me anyway.
Love it Tom! Thanks for taking the time to tell your story too!
Talk about Global -
This Viking is special we know (later), BUT made in Sweden. Sent To Canada. Now residing in New Zealand!
My good friend Rob from Hagstrom Canada brought this one to my attention. Paul Wratten from New Zealand was checking out pickguards, and the communications and conversations spanned New Zealand, Canada and here in the UK. The guitar is special anyway not only for it's journeys over time, but because it is one of the 'Transition models' as I call them. The original Strat heat shape, but the 1N new electrics. the 1968 batch 731xxx may have been part old electrics and part new electrics - the records do not state - but certainly it is more and more convincing that all this batch was originally consigned to Canada. From there these models have followed their destiny to sometimes far flung places - as this one has!
Hi Dave,
Rob from Canada thought you might be interested in these photos of my '68 Viking transition model, like yours but an earlier serial number. Like the rest of them it came from Canada but now lives in New Zealand (possibly the only Viking of any type in NZ) I see you've taken an interest in the transition models and I'd be keen on finding out anything about it. Rob thinks its the earliest serial number he's seen. Regards from Dunedin NZ, Paul
For me theViking 1N transitionis a special player - and a favourite with my son. It was the first to start the UK collection following my original BJ12 acoustic, and yes I bought it from Canada. The one above is a super colouration, even though Paul admits to a few lacquer lines, he should be very happy with his treasure.
The question of whether it was the earliest Viking 1N type left strumming was dashed by an early visitor to Hagstrom UK. Don Alexander told us his story behind the chequered history of his Red Viking transition - he had owned 7 times! (See further down page)
From Australia to Argentina - Global Connections indeed!
From: gustavo Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 3:34 AM
To: [email protected] Subject: Hi Hagsters!
Hi, my name is Gustavo
I´m from Buenos Aires - Argentina - recently I bought this jewel!
Look and see!!! Good sounds!!! Gus
Oh how we know the feeling!
Yes another transition model - hey this is getting serious (ha Ha)
What a jewel as Gus says!
Thanks for sending the pics Gus

Finally, there's a special page on David Feight's fabulous Viking 1N


Dave B. from New York

Sold this Lovely 'Deluxe'
in February 2004

Serial Number - 732xxx Deluxe
(Listed as Viking II) 1967-8
One of 1350 listed

Not a 'perfect 10', but not too far off, a very nice example of this
special version. CLICK HERE to open a run-down of all Viking versions made

What else can we show you?

How about a left handed version!

From the second year of production!

Thank you Juan!

The First contribution for this site (2001) came from the home of the Hagstrom - The Viking lands, our good friend Anders Karlsson sent these pics of his beautiful Viking'like Elvis Played'he'd owned since 1971, describing it:
.with the gold hardware, triple binding and the rectangular fretboard inlays. Was also verified by the Musikborsen dealer who looked it up from the serial number #732489. It´s one of a thousand Viking-IIs built 67 and 68. In my case 1967.
. and a Fender Strat he's converted into a travel guitar. Hey this is as brave as it is cool!
Now you see it Now you don't An inspiring view

Now lets do justice to the beautiful workmanship on this Hag.
gold hardware, triple binding and the rectangular fretboard inlays

Pics of his Hagstrom 310 amp arehere

Now hold on. bear with me. my boy plays a Fender Acoustic so how can I not acknowledge the fender pictured above? So, on this Stratocastic occasion, here's another small rule bender (Fender).

They are great pics anyway. enough, just get on with it Dave.

Lovely angle:So that's how he did it: Magic nearly!

Lets get back to the Subject eh?
A Canadian entry - Don Alexander sent me pics of his 'Seven Times' Viking Transition on 30th October.

Hi i also own one of these Vikings. I also bought mine in Canada where i grew up. I've owned the guitar for a total of 7 times. Rufus for mac torrent. The first time i purchased it i paid only 11 dollars for it. The last time i bought it i had to pay $300 for it. it's a long story but in the end i pawned it for various reasons and after many other guitars liked it the best so i bought it back from the guitar shope i last sold it to. The finish is not as good as yours but here are some photos. Did you ever find out more info on this particular model? I am wondering if they where only sold in Canada eh?

It does seem these were originally sent to Canada exclusively. When I go to Sweden I hope to confirm this suspicion. A well loved example here, S-hole transition model that differs from Anders above, in that it has the later enhanced electrics and pickups like my own example. which came from . Canada !

Great story too Don. Thanks very much for sending your contribution.

I recently came across, and purchased, a Hagstrom Viking. It is sunburst, has a headstock decal, and has pickups that resemble the ones shown on the 12-string shown on the website. It has dot inlays, bound neck and body, the classic Hagstrom trapeze tailpiece with logo, three bolt neck, and a serial number of 693986. In the neck pocket, the number '67' is written in pencil. The strange story is I bought this from a pawn broker who is located right across the street from what used to be a music store that sold Hagstrom instruments, and Vox amps. In 1967 or 1968 I bought a Hagstrom I bass and a Vox Westminster amp from this store and remember this guitar hanging on the wall. The pawn broker told me he was selling this guitar for a widow who's husband had purchased this instrument from the store across the street years ago before they were married. Samudai 1 0. This guitar I now have HAS to be the same one I saw in that store. The guy who bought it was a member of a rival local band. I found out who he was and it was true, it's the same guitar. It's the only one of that particular model the music store ever received. Talk aboutWEIRD..Mike from Illinois.

Now, Matthew Twist from the UK has an unusual. er. 'twist' (apologies Matthew). on Hagstrom ownership.
He has a letter of proof from the Export Manager at Hagstrom. but here's the rub (phew.) it causes a little confusion in itself! (It's another lovely 731 batch Viking I)

Hagstrom Serial Number Dating

1) Look at that lovely wood-grain - you can almost hear it playing already
2) Check out the serial number - back to that later (the rub)
3) A wild youth he said, yes one of a few signs of wear (not all shown) - but this one can be replaced.
4) Last look at that classic Viking I body, then
5) The letter of proof from Carl Lindgren at Albin Hagstrom dated 1978.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

This is a lovely example - I wonder what wood it is - pity its not Bubinga, however, moving on. the letter states this was made in February 1970. This contradicts the (well thumbed) serial number book some of us have. The book lists batch 731 as being 1968 with a run of 1000.
1968 would also fit with the pre-3+3 headstock, the single coil pickups, and the single toggle switch.

The more I look at this guitar the more I like it, but then you may have noticed my preference for the natural look of wood in some of the guitars in the collection. There's less chance to hide problems true, and Matthew has shown me all the details, but don't you just love it? (Go and lie down in a dark room Dave)

The Hagstrom UK collection Viking can be foundHERE

Ciao a grazie!

Had me worried for a moment. I thought we had the youngest Hagstrom player beat by this one! LovelyViking 1also eh?

Batch 713 - Made in 1967

Ciao David, grazie per tutte le informazioni da te riuscitami ad inviare. Complimenti vivissimi per il tuo sito web e per la cordialità nonchè la puntualità e competenza con la quale rispondi ai tuoi utenti. Per le fotografie da me inviate ti autorizzo a pubblicarle sul tuo sito web per quanto tempo vuoi e apportando pure le modifiche che tu desideri. Ciao a grazie di cuore. Gabriele Busani, Velate (Mi)

Hey, thanks Gabriele, I couldn't have put it better myself (without translation tools anyway!)

And of course.Ciao Ricky! (Pictured)

The 'record' is still safe I hope - Phew!

Patience is a sweet thing, and promises are worth keeping.
I received an e-mail from Yvon Lavoie (Canada) 12th November 2002 asking some questions about a couple of Hagstroms.
pictures promised in return for info. it happens many times. then on Christmas Eve:'HI DAVID I DID NOT FORGET YOU,PICTURES PROMISED WILL BE MAILED IN THE 1 ST WEEK OF JANUARY 2003.BEST WISHES TO YOU ALL. YVON'Then yes 28th of January they arrived at my office Canada post to the UK. Now that's dedication!
First another gorgeous red Viking, made the same year as Gabriele's Viking above, but two batches on - (715) - the bridge has changed to a wooden base with fully adjustable height and saddles version favoured on many models after this time. Great original case too. A mass of photo's, and a lot of time spent putting the contribution together, so let's take a look eh?
The second Hagstrom is a beautifulJimmy from the last production run of 100

Gerrit got a Diamond Deal in the Big Apple

Hi, I've certainly enjoyed perusing the interesting stories and beautiful photos on your site.

Back in the 70's I had a Hagstrom Swede just like the one in the photos I've attached. I liked it a lot, but the realities of paying my own way through college forced me to sell it.

While I've enjoyed the fruits of having gone to college, I missed that guitar. recently I became interested in playing again after having been away from music for many years.

I found this guitar, and the Viking, at a dealer of vintage guitars in Rochester, NY (Diamond Strings). Dazzle dvc 100 software for mac.

I bought this Swede (a 1974, just like the one I had), but the 12-string Viking caught my eye as well. I purchased it also, and when I opened the package I was just overwhelmed with how beautiful it was!

It has some very minor finish checking, and that's about all. I had to clean up the electronics a little on both guitars, and had to polish the Swede out a bit, both overall I have two very playable and quite beautiful instruments.

The neck on the Vikingis a bit narrow for a 12-string (especially since I have rather large fingers), but if you tune it down 2 steps and capo the 4th fret you get a great easy-playing 12.

The Swede just plays exactly like I remember my first one playing, easy and fast. Use these photos as you please on you site, or just enjoy them. If you like, I'll try to get some more to you. This message has pictures of the Viking. I will send a follow-on message with pictures of the Swede, to keep the message size low. Best regards, Gerrit

Thanks for the pics and info Gerrit, I love that Viking 12. As a guy who grew up with a 12 string (acoustic BJ12) I can appreciate the fullness and clarity of this style.

I am lucky enough to have a Hagstrom 12 (solid) too, and there I can appreciate your comments regarding string spacing! However, it doesn't take anytime to adjust between the differences, and what a sound eh?

Nice guy that Bruce Diamond by all accounts.

John Seymour brings us this really fine example in January 2007

Hay David, Thank you for getting back to me so Quickly! After I got your Email I did a search and still did not see my particular Hagstrom anywhere that I looked, So I'm sending you some pictures of my Hag! And here is my story. I am 32 years old. I never heard of Hagstrom guitars until I was over at a friend's for a blues jam. My friend pulled it out of a closet and said here try this guitar. That did it, I had to have it! That was 4 years ago and I'm still in love!! I paid 700 Dollars for it and I still consider that a good deal! What a great guitar!! I play it every day. As for the pictures, post them, delete them, whatever you decide! Great web site. I will visit often. Thank you!!

We can see why too! Thanks for the pics John

The guitar is the same age as John. both doin' well as we can see!

Gustavo from Argentina

.brings us an example from the very last batch recorded as Viking 1.
A small qty of 200 made between 1970 and 1972, probably 'to order' the 'Strat shape' head was probably the
only thing Viking 1 about them, with the new humbuckers in use they were the last transitions before the full change to the D'Aquisto design headstock.

Hi, my name is Gustavo Farré, I´m from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I have this beautiful guitar which was during much of it's time in the darkness of it's case. smelling of humidity. horrible!

A friend me back sold it to me three or four years ago. She is really pretty and its sound is very sweet. Serial number 791015 What do you think?


Yes Gustavo, a transition model, and a nice matching body and headstock.

You certainly got away from the smell by the look of it, and now despite a few 'dings', this is a great example.

Nice garden too!

The Hagstrom UK transition model from 1968 was playing live Rock'n'Roll in 2002 with chris in 'Grease' mode!

Golden Boulder Summer 2002. starting out, Chris and ELLZ aged 8 yrs get into the Rock n Roll

Hagstrom Serial Number Lookup

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Hag UK Visitors | HAGSTROM FANS or Click the

Please note: although I will try my best for an occasional request, this site is not an official price record site,
it all depends on the person who wants to sell and the person who wants to buy.
I am no dealer, and therefore can not provide a firm expectation considering the above.
Be patient if you're looking for the right Hagstrom!

There is no price list any more!

Don't be put off now. please send your Hagpics* for sharing with the net !!!

There must be loads of pics around from the last forty years, why not share them with us!
Send stories and (jpg pics please*) to one of the e-mail addresses below

Hagstrom Acoustics

go back as far as the 1940's!
The Hagstrom Hub
an attempt to unpick a story!
The Hagstrom UK steel strings together (2002)

Three 12 strings and one of the J-45 6's
The Hagström Acoustic Pick-up unit
The Retail stores would fit this as an option

Read on and below for the main models.
(NOTE: - Some Visitor Links have moved to the specific model page)

Hagström Guitars sites often concentrate on Electric and Bass Electric Guitars, leaving the acoustics almost as an afterthought. Always remembering the appealing Scandinavian images of the late 60's early 70's, here we see a typical advertising photo
There were NO records of serial numbers kept when Bjarton the manufacturer closed. I have contacted many people and local companies. Karl Eric Hagstrom Jr confirmed this to me a while back. Some time later in 2007 Tobbe started and has pieced together good sections of the serials so that people can now get a better idea of some dates.
More recently I was honoured to hear from Torgil Hagman the joint Managing Director in the 70's. He confirmed the Bjarton connection. 'Concerning Bjärton - Hagström had the exclusive right to export these fine guitars and for export ,these guitars had the name Hagström. In the Hagström retail-stores the guitars were sold under the name Bjärton. As responsible for the retail-stores in Scandinavia I visited regularly all stores. Many of these stores were sold to the store-managers and still one person could tell you very much of the Hagström/Bjärton story - the former Store-manager in Växjö, Sweden - Mr Sven Magnusson. I will try to reach him and put you in touch with him.
I know of course very well the producer of Bjärton guitars in Bjärnum - Mr Kurt Nilsson but I don't know for sure if he is still alive. What I know however is that unfortunately the company Bjärton Guitars closed.'
My own first Hagström acoustic was (and still is) a Goliath sized Bj-12, built like a tank, and sounds like a full orchestra using the thinnest plectrum or the lightest touch with thumb and fingers. I am lucky enough to now have two, a BJ12 and a blonde faced H33 (both branded Hagstrom) and a beautiful near mint Hagstrom Bjarton J45 six string, as well as two classical models the La Rita and the Isabella (both branded Bjarton). You'll see small pictures on this page, and links to their dedicated pages with more detail.
With the then patented adjustable 'H' truss bar right through all the steel strung necks you could pull the action so low, you can't feel the strings pushing against the chords. The thinnest fastest necks Hagström boasted. Many were worried by this, but if you get the chance to try it, your fears soon disappear.
The above catalogue can be viewed in more detail by clicking the photo here, see the 12 string model CAT STEVENS once played, and oh yes, that cover, I reveal the identity of the leggy lady herself:
'.who's the lady, which part of Sweden did she come from?'
Rob from Canada asked me.' where is she now?' he enquired. click the pic to find out. maybe.!
If you care to go back a little further to the time of the First Semi-acoustic Viking models, the acoustics did not enjoy the chromed tailpiece or adjustable bridges of 1967/8 production models. So Like Gordon Giltrap, Davy Jones (David Bowie) and many others your Hagstrom acoustic looked like the ones found in the 1966-7 catalogue. In fact The iconic Bowie song 'Space Oddity' was played using a BJ12 Hagstrom!
You will find the model names quite confusing at times.Beyond Bjarton or Hagstrom, the model names also trade places at times (eg BJ12 Hagstrom instead of H33 etc).
I have also seen the Isabella or HC-4 listed as an HC-15 and even the Victoria - but unless anyone can tell me the difference - on photo, they looked the same to me. likewise derivatives of the La Rita. Then we received a copy of the 1967 Unicord Hagstrom Classics catalogue in May 2004!
Every level of spec and combination of woods all explained with stunning illustrations. (courtesy of Manfred Graeder)
Below you will find the main family models, and links to visitors pages with pictures and text.


With such a balanced neck you tend to forget the obvious. They hardly ever need much tuning up. I replaced the strings on my old 60's BJ12 in 2001 for the first time in years, (shame on me) but when someone suggested it, I did, and I thought they'd put new bells in Big Ben! To see more, choose one of the following links:UK Acoustics or H33/BJ12 orHagstrom and Me or Western or Rio Grande

Another name for the H33 or BJ12 is 'Rio Grande'. Another version called the B120, which had all the same construction and sound, but less ornate finish. In the metal tail version this meant a Gibson like thin bar tail rather than the Chrome Harp shape with Hagstrom logo. The difference between the Standard and Deluxe is very small on the pegbridge versions.
The Rio Grande had a more ornate headstock, and was from around 1978 as part of the revised marking as the'Western' offering of six string pegbridge J-45 and this 12 string model. It has rectangular pearl fret inlays instead of dots, fully bound headstock with Fleur de Lys, and a plain black pick-guard on a blonde body front.
Yet another variation came to our notice in May 2005.
The BJ-12-M. This model was a smaller more shaped body, yet with all the depth of the standard model.
I've only ever seen one of these. this one!
From the serial number, this example is from the mid sixties.
Courtesy of House of Guitars, Salt Lake City, Utah USA, who I thank for the photos.
<< Click these pics for larger versions,
.or HERE and scroll down to see more photos.

J45 / H45 / MISSOURI

The six string J45 or H45 also received some variety along the years - most notably the peg bridge version versus the chrome tail. Again a revised version called 'Missouri' was marketed under the Hagstrom Western range sporting the distinctive later Hagstrom headstock shape, rectangular pearl fret inlays, thread through bridge and tailpiece, and again plain black pick-guard on a blonde body front. Click the picture to see the Hagstrom UK examples. Finally, the standard finish version version of this model is the B60 (Confusing eh?), well there's the logic. B60 is half a B120, well, half the number of strings!



The guitar on the front of the 1971 catalogue (top of page) is an Isabella or HC-4, again by Bjarton, with ornate marquetry around the sound-hole and distinctive and delicate fretwork infill to the sound-hole.
Click the picture to see the Hagstrom UK example
A beautiful guitar with a tone that matches it's looks!

Imagine Jose Feliciano singing 'Light my Fire'
then filter out the voice (sorry).. yes you got it now.



Hagstrom La Rita - made byBjarton.
This La Rita used to belong to Gordon Giltrap.
See more info on the Hagstrom Fans Page and a link to Gordon Giltrap's own site.
You can find out who bought it by clickingHERE
And see the Hagstrom UK La Rita HERE
See Anders Hagstrom Story for a major project on a La Rita too!



Mr Kim Andreassen writes (May 2002)

Hello David,
Well all I can tell you about my
Bjarton Rosita is, that I have had it for about 25 years It was new when I bought it. The Nr. is 54202129 I have attached Pics. Regards Mr. Kim Andreassen

Thanks Kim, time for a couple of strings. why not send it over to the UK for a checkup!

Click the advert Icon here to see a Hagstrom Rosita Advert (Groovy eh)


I had never heard of the name Sammy until I was contacted by Alan Dawson from Australia

This model is shallower in the body than a standard folk guitar. Sported regularly by Guy Davis (See also Hagstrom Fans).


The Classic - A very rare sight.
First up:
Merideth Jones from Dallas was kind enough to take these shots at the end of November 03 This Maple and Spruce beauty with Gold plated machines had a lifetime guarantee.
Subject: Classical Hagstrom Hi, I have a classical Hagstrom I bought in 1974. It has a hand carve head and bridge. I was wondering what the value of it might be. I know that Hagstrom only made their classical for a very few years. Thanks for any information you might be able to give me. Merideth in Dallas, TX USA.
'David, Here is my friend. Merideth'
<<< Hand Carved detail on the Headstock and bridge.

Hagstrom H2b Serial Number 678648

From the 1971 Merson Catalogue:
A large Spanish model in luxury style with back and sides of lovely flame-grained maple. Top of old good spruce, best quality.
Beautiful mosaic decor around the sound-hole. Jacaranda bands around the top and white strips as decor on the sides. Neck of mahogany and with head-piece artistically carved.
Fingerboard made of ebony and gold plated machine heads. The instrument is stained in a brown colour and lacquered in a satin-etched finish.
Unlimited guarantee for the first owner. An instrument that improves with age.

Thanks for taking the time Merideth from Dallas, maybe Kwinn can take a look for me sometime.

Hagstrom Serial Number Book Cover

December 2005
- Pär Lindner sent some great pictures of his Classic - which he is finally selling on the auction site.